
The building blocks of the project HERCULES-2 are the various Subprojects. The whole HERCULES-2 Project is made up of 34 Subprojects. Each Subproject has several Activities. A cluster of related Subprojects makes up a Work Package and there are 8 R&D Work Packages. A pair of related Work Packages (WP) makes up a Work Package Group (WPG). The project comprises 4 R&D Work Package Groups covering a wide spectrum of marine engine research and development. The Work Package Groups are parallel Tracks of continuous R&D activities, which exchange high level information throughout the Project. The Partners work in groups at Subproject level, with specific targets. Work is consolidated into Work Packages and reported with written Deliverables or presented as machinery Prototypes. There are also 3 non-technical Work Packages for Administrative Management, Technical Management and Dissemination Activities.
The HERCULES-2 overall structure is shown in Table below.
#No | Work package group title | Work package title | Sub-project title |
I |
1.1 Fuel flexible engine |
1.2 Feasibility study (RCEM) |
2.1 Fuel-flexible test facility |
2.2 Injection & ignition characterisation |
2.3 Numerical studies of fuels and ignition |
2.4 3D-In-Cylinder Mixture Formation |
2.5. Fuel-Specific Engine-Control Strategies |
2.6. Low-Temperature NOx-Formation |
II |
WP3: Intermetallics and advanced materials for marine engines |
3.1 Novel materials for engine applications |
3.2 Novel materials for casings |
4.1 New materials and design for cylinder heads |
4.2 New materials for the turbocharger turbine casing |
5.1 Engine control optimization |
5.2 Offline engine control parameterization tool |
5.3 Development and simulation of a fully flexible lube oil injection system |
5.4 Development of an advanced real time tribosystem performance monitoring system |
6.1 Predictive model-based engine control |
6.2 Efficiency increase at part load |
6.3 Development of intelligent algorithms for failure detection and plant analysis |
6.4 Methods for evaluating engine performance via modeling and simulation |
6.5 Continuous combustion control & monitoring of mechanically controlled engines |
6.6 Lifetime managed engine software deployment |
6.7 Lifetime performance improvement by reduction of lubrication rate |
IV |
7.1 Combined on-engine aftertreatment solutions for 4-stroke diesel engines |
7.2 SCR reduction agent injection solutions |
7.3 Integration of methane abatement technology with gas engines |
7.4 Emission measurement systems for integrated aftertreatment technologies |
7.5 Robust catalysts for pre-turbo SCR |
8.1 Engine integrated SCR system for two-stroke diesel engines |
8.2 Combined SCR and DPF |
V |
11.1 HERCULES-2 Website |
11.2 Publications |
11.3 Dissemination |
11.4 Project Final Forum |