A Three-Zone Scavenging Model for Large Two-Stroke Uniflow Marine Engines Using Results from CFD Scavenging Simulations |
6 |
Energies 2019 |
7/5/2019 |
M. Foteinos, A. Papazoglou, N. Kyrtatos, A. Stamatellos, O. Zogou, A.M. Stamatellou |
The HERCULES (2004-2018) Programme of R&D in large engine technologies |
10 |
29th CIMAC World Congress, Vancouver, June 2019 |
7/3/2019 |
N. Kyrtatos, G. Stiesch, J. Kytölä, K. Heim |
Spatiotemporal flame mapping in a largebore marine diesel engine using multiple high-speed cameras |
2 |
International Journal of Engine Research |
7/3/2019 |
J. Hult, A. Matamis, E. Baudoin, S. Mayer, M. Richter |
Methane catalyst regeneration with hydrogen addition |
7 |
29th CIMAC World Congress, Vancouver, June 2019 |
15/2/2019 |
S. Heikkilä, S. Niemi |
Engine knock detection: an eigenpressure approach |
5 |
IFAQ Advances in Automotive Control - 9th AAC 2019 |
7/2/2019 |
G. Panzani, G. Pozzato, S. M. Savaresi, J. Rösgren, C.H.Onder |
Simulation of the transient thermal response of a high pressure SCR aftertreatment system for a Tier III two-stroke marine diesel engine |
6 |
ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power |
19/12/2018 |
M. Foteinos, S. Konstantinidis,N. Kyrtatos, K.V. Busk |
Conceptual investigations on optical accessibility to large bore medium speed engines |
1 |
SAE international journal of engines |
4/12/2018 |
S. Karmann,M. Prager,G. Wachtmeister |
Behavior of B20 fuels in arctic conditions |
1 |
Agronomy research/Energies Journal |
29/11/2018 |
K. Sirviö, S. Niemi, R. Help, S. Heikkilä, E. Hiltunen |
Influence of the Backpressure on Urea Sprays Generated by an Air-Blast Atomizer for Large-Scale SCR-Applications |
8 |
International Powertrains, Fuels and Lubricants Meeting, San Antonio,Texas |
28/11/2018 |
M.Höltermann, J.Wichmar, F.Dinkelacker |
SCR coated DPF for Marine Engine Applications |
8 |
11th International Congress on Catalysis and Automotive Pollution Control |
26/10/2018 |
M. Kleinhenz, P. Lauer, A. Fiedler, A. Döring |
SCR beschichteter Dieselpartikelfilter für schnelllaufende Vier-takt-Dieselmotoren im Marinebereich |
8 |
16. FAD-Conference "Herausforderung - Abgasnachbehandlung für Dieselmotoren" |
26/10/2018 |
M. Kleinhenz, A. Fiedler, A. Döring |
Eindüsung von Harnstoff-Wasser-Lösung mit Zweistoffdüsen für großskalige SCR-Systeme unter Druck |
8 |
16. FAD-Conference "Herausforderung - Abgasnachbehandlung für Dieselmotoren |
25/9/2018 |
M. Höltermann, P. Roloff, F. Dinkelacker |
Robustness analysis of the next generation of EGR controllers in marine two-stroke
diesel engines |
6 |
International Ship Control Systems Symposium 2018 (iSCSS 2018) |
14/8/2018 |
X. Llamas, L. Eriksson |
Transient Simulation of a Large Two-Stroke Marine Diesel Powerplant Operation with a High Pressure SCR Aftertreatment System |
6 |
27th Aachen Colloquium Automobile and Engine Technology 2018 |
26/7/2018 |
M. Foteinos, N. Kyrtatos |
Development of a shear ultrasonic spectroscopy technique for the evaluation of viscoelastic fluid properties: theory and experimental validation |
5 |
Elsevier Journal Ultrasonics |
26/7/2018 |
M.Schirru, X.Li, M.Cadeddu and R.S.Dwyer-Joyce |
Isothermal Oxidation Behavior of TribaloyTM T400 and T800 |
3 |
NPJ Materials Degradation Journal |
21/7/2018 |
J. Peng, X. Fang, V. Marx, U.Jasnau, M. Palm |
Skip Firing in Medium Speed Dual Fuel Engines: Detailed Assessment and Engine Performance Optimization in Compliance with IMO Tier III |
6 |
Rostocker Großmotorentagung |
18/7/2018 |
J. Konrad, T.Lauer, M.Moser, E.Lockner, J.Zhu |
NH3 sensor measurements in different engine applications |
7 |
SAE International Powertrains, Fuels & Lubricants Meeting |
2/7/2018 |
T. Murtonen, H. Vesala, P. Koponen, R. Pettinen, T. Kajolinna, O. Antson |
Experimental analysis of fuel alternatives for marine propulsion systems |
1 |
ICLASS 2018-14th international conference on liquid atomization & spray systems |
13/6/2018 |
A.Schmid, R. Bombach, T. Yildirim |
Influence of the Al content and Pre-oxidation on the Aqueous Corrosion Resistance of Binary Fe-Al Alloys in Sulphuric Acid |
3 |
Corrosion Science |
8/6/2018 |
J. Peng, F. Moszner, J. Rechmann, D.Vogel ,M. Palm , M. Rohwerder |
Towards a temperature dependent and probabilistic lifetime concept for nodular ductile cast iron materials undergoing isothermal and thermo-mechanical fatigue |
4 |
Fatigue 2018 |
11/4/2018 |
E.G.Trelles, C. Schweizer, S. Eckmann |
Impact of catalyst activity and geometry on diffusion and SCR kinetics under elevated pressures |
7 |
Chemie Ingenieur Technik |
30/3/2018 |
D.Peitz, M.Elsener, O. Kröcher |
Combustion Property Analyses with Variable Liquid Marine Fuels in Combustion Research Unit |
1 |
Agronomy Research |
17/3/2018 |
M. Hissa, S. Niemi,K. Sirviö |
High-pressure pyrolisis and oxidation of ethanol |
2 |
Fuel Journal |
15/3/2018 |
H. Hashemi, J.Christensen, P.Glarborg |
High-pressure oxidation of ethane |
2 |
Combustion and Flame Journal
15/3/2018 |
H.Hashemi , J. Jacobsen , C. Rasmussen, J. Christensen , P.Glarborg , S. Gersen , M. van Essen , H. Levinsky , S. Klippenstein |
Predictive Control for a Marine Hybrid Diesel-Electric Plant During Transient Operation |
5 |
5th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies |
13/3/2018 |
N.Planakis, G. Papalambrou, N.P.Kyrtatos |
Control-oriented modeling of two-stroke diesel engines with EGR for marine applications |
6 |
SAGE Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment |
9/3/2018 |
X. Llamas , L. Eriksson |
Engine Efficiency Optimization under Consideration of NOX- and Knock-Limits for Medium Speed Dual Fuel Engines in Cylinder Cut-Out Operation |
6 |
SAE World Congress 2018 |
17/2/2018 |
J. Konrad, T. Lauer, M. Moser |
Crank Shaft Torsional Vibration Analysis on the perspective of Improving the Crank Angle Measurement Accuracy for Closed-loop Combustion Control in ICES |
5 |
SAE World Congress 2018 |
17/2/2018 |
X.Storm, H.Salminen, R.Virrankoski, S. Niemi, J. Hyvonen |
Properties of local produced animal-fat based biodiesel and its blend with fossil fuel |
1 |
Agronomy Research |
16/2/2018 |
K. Sirviö, S. Heikkilä, R. Help, S. Niemi and E. Hiltunen |
Kinematic viscosity studies for medium-speed CI engine fuel |
1 |
Agronomy Research |
16/2/2018 |
K. Sirviö, R. Help, S. Niemi, S. Heikkilä and E. Hiltunen |
Influence of the Al content on the aqueous corrosion resistance of binary Fe-AL alloys in H2SO4 |
3 |
Proceedings Intermetallics 2017 |
2/11/2017 |
J. Peng, F. Moszner, D. Vogel, M. Palm |
Investigation of the Cylinder Cut-Out for Medium Speed Dual Fuel Engines |
6 |
Heavy-Duty - On- and Off-Highway Engines / MTZ Industrial |
4/10/2017 |
J. Konrad, T. Lauer, M. Moser, J. Zhu |
An Optical Investigation of Diesel-Pilot and Methane Dual-Fuel |
1 |
Nordic flame days 2017 |
4/10/2017 |
Z.Ahmad , J. Aryal, O. Ranta, O. Kaario, M.Larmi |
Calibration method for the determination of the FAME and HVO contents in fossil diesel blends using NIR spectroscopy |
1 |
Fuel journal |
8/8/2017 |
L.Sherman, S. Heikkilä, K. Sirviö, S. Niemi, P.Välisuo, A.Niemi |
Transient Load Share Management of a Diesel Electric Hybrid Powertrain for Ship Propulsion |
5 |
International Journal of Powertrains |
28/7/2017 |
S. Topaloglou, G.Papalambrou, K.Bardis, N. Kyrtatos |
Investigation of the Combined Application of Water-in-Fuel Emulsion and Exhaust Gas Recirculation in a Medium Speed Diesel Engine |
7 |
9th International Conference on Modeling and Diagnostics for Advanced Engine Systems (COMODIA 2017), July 25-28, 2017, Okayama, Japan |
6/6/2017 |
B.von Rotz, P.Kyrtatos, K. Herrmann, K.Boulouchos |
Modeling of particulate matter emissions from engine combustion |
1 |
SAE 2017 International Powertrains, Fuels and Lubricants Meeting |
18/5/2017 |
K.Hentelä, O.Kaario, M.Larmi, V.Garaniya,L.Goldsworthy |
Flow in axisymmetric expansion in a catalytic converter |
8 |
12th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry |
12/5/2017 |
E.Gotfredsen, K.E.Meyer |
Model Predictive Control for Hybrid Diesel-Electric Marine Propulsion |
5 |
IFAQ 2017 World Congress |
25/4/2017 |
G. Papalambrou, S. Samokhin, S. Topaloglou, N. Planakis, N. Kyrtatos, K. Zenger |
Engine knock margin control using in-cylinder pressure data: preliminary results |
5 |
56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC2017) |
20/4/2017 |
G.Panzani, D.Selmanaj, O.Gallupi, S.Savaresi, J. Rösgren, C. Onder |
Design and experiments to investigate spray and impingement characteristics of a common rail type lubrication system
5 |
28th Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems ILASS-Europe 2017 |
20/4/2017 |
M.Stark, A.de Risi, M.Giangreco, S.Diggelmann |
Spray Combustion Chamber: History and Future of a Unique Test Facility |
1 |
28th Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems ILASS-Europe 2017 |
3/4/2017 |
Α. Schmid, N. Yamada |
Adaptive and Unconventional Strategies for Engine Knock Control |
5 |
IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology |
23/3/2017 |
D. Selmanaj, S.van Dooren, G. Panzani, J. Rosgren, C. Onder |
Analysis of Cylinder Pressure Measurement Accuracy for Internal Combustion Engine Control |
5 |
SAE World Congress Experience 2017, Detroit, Michigan, USA. |
27/1/2017 |
X. Storm , H. Salminen , R. Virrankoski, S. Niemi, J. Hyvönen |
Investigation of Ammonia Synthesis for Large Scale SCR-Applications by Means of a Hot Gas Test Rig |
8 |
8th European Combustion Meeting 2017 in Dubrovnik, Croatia |
18/12/2017 |
M. Höltermann, J. Wichmar, T. Wittenbreder, F. Dinkelacker |
Control-Oriented Compressor Model with Adiabatic Efficiency Extrapolation |
6 |
SAE World Congress and Exhibition 2017 |
21/12/2016 |
X. Llamas, L. Eriksson |
Measuring injection of urea solution into a high pressure hot gas test rig for SCR-applications |
8 |
International Congress of Engine Combustion Processes: Current Problems and Modern Techniques |
19/12/2016 |
M. Höltermann, N. Kawaharada, J. Wichmar, F. Dinkelacker |
Parameterizing compact and extensible compressor models using orthogonal distance minimization |
6 |
ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power |
27/6/2016 |
X. Llamas, L. Eriksson |
Engine Knock Margin Estimation Using In-Cylinder Pressure Measurements |
5 |
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics |
14/6/2016 |
G. Panzani, F. Ostman, C.H. Onder |
Investigation of Different Piston Ring Curvatures on Lubricant Transport along Cylinder Liner in Large Two-Stroke Marine Diesel Engines |
6 |
17th Nordic Symposium on Tribology, June 2016 |
19/5/2016 |
H.C. Overgaard, P. Klit, A. Voelund |
From HERCULES A-B-C to HERCULES-2 : A classic cooperative programme in large engine R&D |
10 |
28th CIMAC, Helsinki, Finland, June 2016 |
19/5/2016 |
N. Kyrtatos, G. Stiesch, I. Kallio
SCR under pressure - pre-turbocharger NOx abatement for marine 2-stroke diesel engines |
7 |
28th CIMAC, Helsinki, Finland, June 2016 |
19/5/2016 |
K. Sandelin K., D. Peitz |
A Model of a Marine Two-Stroke Diesel Engine with EGR for Low Load Simulation |
6 |
EUROSIM 2016, Oulu, Finland, September 2016 |
11/5/2016 |
X. Llamas, L. Eriksson
Adaptive power-split control design for marine hybrid diesel powertrain |
5 |
ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control |
11/5/2016 |
S. Samokhin, S. Topaloglou, G. Papalambrou, K. Zenger, N. Kyrtatos